Tuesday, February 10, 2009

jack and the beanstock

author sarah tast
illustratr sarah tast
characters jack jint want's ther was a boy named jack.and he met a old man he gave him 3 seeds.And he platid them.Then it gowd so big that it whint to the sky.and jack saw it.and he climd it.and ther whas a big houws.and jack climd it.and  ther   was  a  big   hawes.and  jack  wint  in it. he  sa  a  jint.he  all most  got  stept  on. then  the  gint  sa  hem.and  the  gint  trid  to  kill  him.then  jack  got  awt  fast as  he  cood. the  he  livd  happy  a lee  after!                                                                                          By  sierra